Frågor och svar

Abera är en internationell gemenskap. Vi försöker att i största möjliga mån publicera frågor och svar på våra medlemmars modersmål. Eftersom livet i Ambera ofta handlar om att umgås över landgränserna är det också viktigt för oss att etablera engelska som gemensamt språk för alla invånare. Därför har vi valt att svara på vissa utvalda frågor på svenska, medan andra svar finns tillgängliga på engelska. Vi hoppas att detta uppfyller dina behov. Ta gärna kontakt med oss om något framstår som oklart eller förvirrande – oavsett vilket språk det gäller!


Ambera är ett nytt namn för ett nytt sätt att leva. Namnet kommer från ordet “amber” som betyder bärnsten. Bärnstenens gyllene färg är varm som solen, och stenen påstås ha helande egenskaper. Detta tycker vi är en passande symbol på vår vision.

Ingen vill bo i en spökstad, och tyvärr finns det gott om exempel på projekt i Spanien där utvecklare bygger och säljer bostäder utan plan på hur projektet ska integreras med omgivningen och fyllas med liv. “Spökstäder” uppstår när hus och lägenheter står tomma stora delar av året och affärer och aktivitetsutbud blir tvungna att stänga. 

Amberas koncept, som bygger på gemenskap och aktivitet,  har utformats i samspråk med de som ska bo ho oss. Det betyder att alla som flyttar till ett Amberaprojekt gör det för att de tror på konceptet och längtar efter en social och aktiv livsstil. Vi vänder oss till dem som vill bo hos oss mer än i ett par veckor i taget, eftersom vi vet att sann gemenskap, trygghet och vänskap skapas i vardagen, inte på semester.

Redan innan lanseringen av det första projektet hejades Ambera fram av över 10,000 engagerade Facebook-vänner från hela Europa. Europa längtar efter en ny boendeform, och nu är den äntligen här. 

Nej. Faktum är att vi är beroende av ett stort antal bostäder för att kunna ha den själ vi vill. Ju fler som bidrar med sina intressen, desto fler aktiviteter och klubbar får vi att välja mellan. Ju fler bostadsägare vi är, desto lägre blir kostnaderna för det vi delar på. Storlek är en viktig del av det som gör Ambera unikt.

Hjärtat i varje Amberasamhälle är aktivitetscentret, men själen utgörs av invånarna. Bostäderna och de gemensamma lokalerna underlättar aktivitet och socialt umgänge, men det är först när de fylls av engagerade människor med en mångfald av intressen som samhället vaknar till liv. För att bokklubbar, tennisturneringar, spanskakurser och jazzband ska fungera behövs det folk, minst 300 per Amberaby, tror vi. Att bygga stort gör det också möjligt för oss att erbjuda kvalitetsbostäder och fantastiska gemensamma faciliteter till priser som många har råd att betala.

Taking advantage of people is the last thing we want to do. We think that most of the other current offerings on the market are taking advantage of people – giving them very little service for sky-high prices and expecting people to be grateful for it. What we’re trying to do is offer an opportunity for a new and better life for people who are approaching retirement, or who have already stopped working.

We’re talking about a very resourceful, experienced generation who are fully capable of making informed decisions about whether they want to buy a home in Ambera or not. All of our residents will be people who have made a very active, conscious decision about how they wish to spend their lives at the end or after their professional careers. What we want to do is give them the opportunity to live life to the fullest.

We have no interest in and no intention of isolating people. Quite the opposite, in fact. We are targeting people who are 55 or older mainly because they are the people who stand to benefit the most from this project, and those who can contribute the most. We want Ambera to be a wonderful, lively community year-round, and people have more time on their hands when they don’t work as much. Families with school-age children typically do not have the opportunity to spend the whole year or several months in this kind of community in Southern Spain.

That being said, we want to make our community a fantastic place for younger people to visit. If you visit one of the many second home communities in Spain today, you will meet very few young people. We think this is less because the residents have been isolated, and more because there’s nothing for people to do there, and no enticement to visit. This is what we want to change.

Ambera is going to be a dream destination for visiting children and grandchildren. We will make it easy to get to us, convenient to stay with us, and there will be tons of fun activities for people of all ages to choose from. Our goal is that, instead of having to entice people to come visit, you’ll actually have to encourage them to leave! With so many visitors, we think that Ambera will have the biggest variety in age of all second home communities in Spain.

Ambera is not aiming at the luxury market segment, which is traditionally very exclusive. True luxury, in our eyes, is having lots of options for things to do, and having a great social environment. This is dependent on the people in the community. No matter how much money you have, there is no such thing as an “exclusive community” – having a wide range of people is what makes communities work.

Consequently, Ambera is trying to offer affordable homes by building large scale projects, where the cost for the amenities will be distributed among many units. The homes will not be cheap, but considering all the facilities and corresponding possibilities, we believe that we really offer a lot of value for your money. 

For those who have a challenge raising the equity necessary to buy, or who for various reasons don’t want to buy, we will offer rental homes as an option.

The reason we can offer a wide variety of amenities and activities for reasonable prices is that we will build large scale, i.e. many homes in one project, reducing the cost per person. After completion, most of our groups and activities will be run by our homeowners as community members on a voluntary basis, which will enable Ambera to cover the operational cost with an affordable monthly fee which will grant access to everything – from tennis courts and ballet classes, to health centres and gardening services.

Whether you live in the smallest apartment or the largest villa, all members will have the same rights and opportunities at Ambera. Our hope is that it will become irrelevant how much money you have, because everybody can have a great life regardless of the size of their wallets.

There are two main principles that are important here: Scale, and community-run groups and activities.

By building large communities, we can split the costs for operations, shared facilities and activities, and other running expenses between many homes. This makes living in Ambera much cheaper per person than if we were to build smaller communities. We’ve visited over 100 such communities in America, where this principle works extremely well, and the community members love the lifestyle they can afford in such a setting.

In order to create an active and social community, we are going to employ what we call a ‘Lifestyle Director’. This person’s job is to make it fun and easy for our community members to join and create clubs and activities. We will help facilitate the activities, but our members will have the most control over how they are run. A retired journalist might start a writing class, a piano teacher might decide to lead the community orchestra, a hobby carpenter might teach a woodworking course, and so on. By making it easy to get started, we will create an encouraging culture where contributing your skills and talents makes life more fun for everyone.

Our goal is to make Ambera affordable for as many people as possible, not just the wealthiest. The price of buying a home and living in an Ambera community will depend on the land plots we purchase, and how large each project ends up being. Land close to the sea is more expensive than plots inland, and the more homes we can split the costs for the amenities between, the cheaper it becomes per household.

Ambera at Desert Springs as our first project is located close to the sea, because many of our followers and future residents have told us that this is important to them. As such, the price level of our first project might be a bit higher than some of our future projects. Please, refer to our home sales section here [link to sales] for concrete prices.

For those who prefer to rent a home, Ambera will also be offering long-term rental homes. Just like the house prices, the rent will be determined by the size and location of the community.

The monthly community fee – which covers activities, property maintenance, and common areas – can sometimes be as low as $150 per household in US projects. We are aiming for a similar price level in Ambera at Desert Springs and future projects. Please subscribe to our newsletter for more information and go to our Facebook page for frequent updates on our progress.

Ambera is a real estate development company. That means we buy land plots, hire architects, plan, design, and build homes, sell them to residents, and then operate them. Through this process, we make money. It is important to us that everyone involved in creating this value chain gets their fair share. At the same time, we are determined to make Ambera affordable for our residents. We are not building a luxury project for the rich and wealthy, but an affordable project for everybody.

Ambera is building homes where people live most of the year. We believe this is necessary in order to establish an active and social community. Regular holiday homes are typically used or rented for only a few days or weeks throughout the year, and most owners/visitors are not interested in getting to know their neighbours or engage in the wider community during their stay.

Ambera’s designs will reflect the fact that they are long-term homes. Typically, holiday homes have as many beds and bedrooms as possible, little (if any) storage space, and small, efficient living room areas. They’re little more than a place to sleep, and maybe have a guest over for a nightcap. Ambera’s homes are intended for year-round use, with plenty of storage options, spacious living areas, and functional spaces that will prove useful for longer stays. Our homes will be places to live.

Ambera’s first project will be built as an extension of Desert Springs Golf Resort and Spa – an already-existing 400-unit project in Almeria, Spain – with an award-winning golf course, a restaurant and varies sports and recreational facilitieslocated in the Almeria province in Spain.

Ambera is also in discussions with various landowners in Spain and other European countries about potential future communities. We hope to create some projects near larger cities all over Europe. For these projects we’d extend our concept to include both active adults (our current target group) and younger families with children. We feel these groups have different needs which complement each other. Families with children need to maintain work/life balance, get their kids to school/kindergarten, get them to their leisure activities (and enjoy a few of their own), and often find there aren’t enough hours in the day. Conversely, active adults without dependents usually have more time available, and gain satisfaction from being able to engage in the community and help each other out. Our eventual goal is to organise our communities in such a way that we can “match up” these two groups through a joint activity centre and organisation platform. If we can meet everyone’s needs, it’s a win-win scenario for everyone involved.

Absolutely. But nobody is saying that you have to. At Ambera, your freedom (and privacy) is always our top priority. No-one ever tells you to do anything, but there will always be plenty of interesting things you can choose to be a part of if you wish

We are trying to create an active, social community, that is true. But enforcing participation goes against the core principle of Ambera – choosing your future. Ambera facilitates socialisation by offering a wide range of interest groups and activities, and helping people create their own. Our residents will be the ones choosing whether or not to socialise, and where and when to do so – it will always be on your terms.

Ambera is for anyone and everyone who has the time and desire to engage in the community. This includes golfers, cyclists, scuba divers, bridge players, budding linguists, and enthusiasts about activities and topics of all kinds. Ambera is not an exclusive “luxury” project. “Luxury”, in our eyes, comes from having lots of options for things to do, and having a great social environment. All the money in the world can’t buy good neighbours – it’s dependent on the people in the community. Our goal is to provide homes at prices that should be affordable for the European Middle Class, starting at around €180,000 for our first project in Desert Springs.

Ambera is in discussions with various landowners in Spain and other European countries about potential future communities. Our eventual goal is to have a network of one or more Ambera communities close to every major European city. This network would enable co-operation, exchanges, and joint activities across national borders. As a homeowner in any one Ambera project, you will be a member of the family, and will be welcome in every Ambera community in the world, and it will be easy to find friends with common interests.

For projects which will be located close to larger cities, we’d be looking at an extended version of our existing concept, including both active adults (our current target group) and younger families with children. We feel these groups have different needs which complement each other. Families with children need to maintain work/life balance, get their kids to school/kindergarten, get them to their leisure activities (and enjoy a few of their own), and often find there aren’t enough hours in the day. Conversely, active adults without dependents usually have more time available, and gain satisfaction from being able to engage in the community and help each other out. Our eventual goal is to organise our communities in such a way that we can “match up” these two groups through a joint activity centre and organisation platform. If we can meet everyone’s needs, it’s a win-win scenario for everyone involved.

It is easier to build a project that is based on the Ambera concept from scratch, because we can develop a master plan and other elements to exactly match our specifications. Having said that, we are absolutely open to implementing the Ambera concept in existing projects, as long as they have clear borders and the space for an activity centre. 

We think that residents that live in an Ambera community most of the year won’t be considered as traditional tourists. They will engage in both the Ambera community and also in activities in the local area, i.e. neighbouring villages. Wehave heard from many of you that you are interested in learning Spanish (or the local language in future communities elsewhere), which will allow you to integrate and communicate with the local population.

Each Ambera community is of course also open to local buyers, who we expect to show just as much interest as international buyers. With Desert Springs, we have received several inquiries from Spanish people who are interested in buying a home.

As an owner

You get your own privately-owned house or apartment. It is yours (freehold) and can be sold, inherited, financed and used at your discretion. Terms and conditions for subletting, community-rules and snd so forth will be published in connection with sales start.

Through Ambera’s low monthly community fee, you are granted free access to and use of shared common areas: First and foremost, an Activity Centre with more than where several rooms are dedicated to activities.

The low monthly community fee covers external maintenance of all properties to maintain the high standard on the Ambera properties. Maintenance of all common infrastructure and gardening of all common areas are also included.

Benefits of owning in Ambera Desert Springs are detailed here

As a member of Ambera Community

You get access to all of our upcoming European projects.

You become a part of an active and social community.

A Lifestyle Director is responsible for helping organise activities and reserve amenities that you need for your activities, free of charge.

The Ambera team will broker benefit programs with relevant service providers such as airlines, health services, insurance companies, carpool services and other institutions for the mutual benefit of the Ambera Community.

Ambera Desert Springs – benefits

A reduced fee for use of sports facilities: Golf on the Desert Springs PGA-course, paddle tennis, tennis and exercise room.

Pools are available at no extra expense.

Access to the Club House. Desert Springs restaurants are open to all Ambera members.

Through Ambera’s low monthly community fee, you are granted free access to and use of shared common areas – first and foremost, an Activity Centre with more than 1,000 sqm, where several rooms are dedicated to activities such as:

  • All-purpose rooms for workshops, games, painting, classes, yoga, etc. – or anything you want to do

  • Common rooms for mingling and just meeting your friends

  • Community Kitchen where you can invite friends to a gourmet dinner or cooking class

  • Music room for dancing, theatre group, or watching movies together

  • Cafe

Desert Springs

Du är välkommen att göra din reservation här

Vädret i Vera månad för månad

Juli är den torraste månaden med 2 mm regn.  Månaden med mest nederbörd är oktober med 38 mm i snitt.


En medeltemperatur på 25,6 °C gör augusti till årets varmaste månad. Januari är årets kallaste med ett snitt på cirka 11 °C.

Väder och temperatur månad för månad

Det skiljer 36 mm i nederbörd mellan de torraste och våtaste månaderna och temperaturen varierar med °C grader under året.

Väderinformation från Climate Data

Gärna! Du är hjärtligt välkommen att hälsa på oss på Desert Springs.

Vårt team visar dig gärna hur området, bostäderna och faciliteterna ser ut idag, och hur framtidens Ambera at Desert Springs kommer se ut med nybyggda bostäder och fritidslokaler. Förutom det praktiska så får du även en smakbit av livet i en Amberaby och träffar många intressanta människor. Bokningar börjar hösten 2020.

Ja, några hus och lägenheter kommer reserveras för hyresgäster i alla Ambera-projekt. Dessa är till för dem som vill bo hos oss under några månader per år utan att köpa, för familj och vänner på besök och nyfikna intressenter som vill prova på livet i Ambera innan de köper en egen bostad.

Eftersom det är viktigt för oss att upprätthålla en levande och aktiv gemenskap året runt riktar vi oss först och främst mot hyresgäster som vill stanna längre än en typisk semesterresa.

För frågor om tillgängliga hyresobjekt, ta kontakt med vår personal eller skriv till oss på e-post.

Some of you have expressed interest in buying a home with a group of friends, in order to share the joy. However, Ambera is not a time-sharing project – it is important to us, to you, and the community as a whole that all “co-buyers”spend time in the home and engage in the community. Please bear this in mind when you form a group of buyers and plan your stays. Feel free to get in touch if you wish to get some guidance during this process.

This is perhaps our favourite question. We want to build a community that you, our future residents, want to live in. In order to do this, we need to ask for your opinion. We created a discussion group you can reach via our Facebook page. The purpose of this group is for people from different countries to come together (just like they will at every Ambera project) and talk about what we want to get out of our lives in Ambera. We also hope that – as a side-effect of helping create Ambera – our future residents will get to know each other before they even move in.

Are you also looking forward to moving into an Ambera home? Please join the group: “Ambera- discussion and inspiration” and share your thoughts and opinions with the rest of us!

The Almeria region – particularly the villages of Vera, Garrucha and Mojacar – offer a multitude of hotels, apartments, AirBnBs etc. for every taste and budget. We recommend that you gather information on suitable accommodation through an aggregator site, such as or Our staff are more than happy to help if you are in doubt, but because the availability of accommodation changes frequently, booking websites will always have more up-to-date information than we will.

Juridiska och finansiella

EU har etablerat ett gemensamt system för pension och beskattning som fungerar över gränserna och som ser till att ingen blir utan pension. Vi har pratat med många svenskar, norrmän och engelsmän i området som alla bekräftar att pension och vård fungerar för dem. Vi rekommenderar att du pratar med din bank eller ekonomiska rådgivare för att ta reda på vad som gäller för dig och din pension.

Ambera kan tyvärr inte bidra med juridiska råd. Vi rekommenderar att du pratar med din advokat och skatterådgivare för att förstå hur din situation påverkas av spansk lagstiftning.

EU har etablerat ett gemensamt system för skatt och pension som fungerar över gränserna och ser till att ingen blir utan pension. Vi har pratat med många svenskar, norrmän och engelsmän i området som alla bekräftar att pension och vård fungerar för dem. Vi rekommenderar att du pratar med din bank eller ekonomiska rådgivare för att ta reda på vad som gäller för dig och din livssituation. Hur mycket skatt du ska betala och vem du ska betala den till beror bland annat på vilken överenskommelse ditt hemland har med Spanien och hur stor del av året du tillbringar i landet.

Du måste informera myndigheterna som hanterar din pension, skatt och eventuella bidrag om du flyttar eller går i pension utomlands. Du kommer förmodligen kunna erhålla sjukförsäkring och andra förmåner om du bestämmer dig för att bo i Spanien. Prata med din ekonomiska rådgivare för att se vad som gäller i ditt fall.

Har du fortfarande obesvarade frågor? Tveka inte att ta kontakt med oss!